Thursday, February 26, 2009

Justice For Women

In the Essay Justice for Women by Ellen Goodman the international women's bill of rights is discussed. Goodman begins the essay by shocking the audience with an incident that happened in Multan, Pakistan.  An 18 year old girl was sentenced to gang rape after her brother was caught walking unchaperoned girl from another tribe. Instead of the 11 year old boy being punished the young women was punished "for the sake of honor." Goodman makes it clear that this is not the only country  where things like this have happened this was just one good example. She points out later that even Pakistan, the site of this incident, has signed the treaty. It is being argued that the bill is not international because the U.S., along with many other countries have not signed the bill. It was suppose to be voted on and then got put behind 17 other treaties waiting for approval. The essay points out the fact that the United States will have no room to say anything about women's rights to other countries if we have not even signed this treaty. 
This surprised me that our country hasn't even signed the treaty. I would be interesting to see exactly the treaty says, and why it is taking so long to be ratified. These things seem like no brainers but maybe there is something that I do not have knowledge of that is influencing this delay. The essay is very correct about our country not being able to say much to other countries if we do not pass this. Our country seems like we do a lot of "Do as I say, Not as i do." 

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