Thursday, February 19, 2009

Love and Race

In this essay about race and love by Nicholas D. Kristof the fact that young people are falling in love with different races is discussed. It is stated that it is still brought to many peoples attention when a black person walks down the street holding a white persons hand. After polls were taken it was noted that 40% of asian-americans and 6% of blacks have married whites. Even more surprising it was noted that 40% of americans have dated another race. Kristof states that scientists have noted that genes hardly differ between races. They say that the time in which the different races were developed was not enough time for their genes to be that different. This development of love between races seems so shocking, especially since in 1958 a mother reported a black boy because her daughter kissed him, Kristof mentions. He also brings up the poll from 1963 that was taken by Americans that 59% of Americans believed that Interracial Marriages should be illegal. He also notes that there is going to be less of a line drawn between races and they will start to mix much more. 
I think it is crazy that it was so recent that a young boy got sent to jail all because a white girl kissed him, especially since they said he was sent to jail for attempted rape. On top of this, it seems extreme that interracial marriages would be illegal. This shows how quickly the American Culture can change. It's weird to think that my grandparents were alive when most of this racism was occurring. I am glad that this has begun to change, but i do believe that our country has a lot of work. Like stated in the essay many people get looks when they walk down the street together. Someday this will change, interracial relationships will be accepted everywhere. I just hope to live to see the day. 

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